I wanted to report on a couple of items that have taken a tedious amount of work over an extended period of time and are now complete or nearly complete. The first one is the successful completion of Fiscal Year 2008 Citywide Audit. Over a number of years West Valley City has contracted with the firm of Jensen & Keddington to preform a complete financial audit. This year the City went a step further with the creation of an Audit Review Committee. This committee was made assembled with some outside financial experts as well as community members. I served as one of the City Council appointees to this committee, and in doing so participated in extensive review of West Valley City's financial practices and received detailed answers to my specific inquires. West Valley has been recognized often for the integrity and manner of the annual audit and this year was able to quickly remedy the few minor deficiencies exposed by the audit process. This places West Valley City on firm ground as we proceed into the new fiscal year.
The second noteworthy item is that it appears we have come to consensus as to the hard surface parking ordinance. After sorting through the various staff recommendations and considering community input it looks as though well maintained additional gravel parking will be allowed and the original ordinance from years back will be amended. West Valley City staff has been charged with rewriting the ordinance and it should be available for final adoption in the coming weeks.
Finally, I am shocked that during these first initial months of my website featuring the United States Government Quiz only two entries have posted a 100% score. Additionally, one of those perfect scores was submitted by my father who was a Social Studies teacher for many years and thus probably shouldn't count. Maybe when the summer is over and school is back in session I will see the scores start to rise as well. Give it a try if you haven't already.
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