Friday, March 18, 2011

Published Open Letter to WVC Residents

Below is a copy of the open letter to WVC Residents as published in Update section of the March 16th edition of the West Valley Journal. The basic premise of the narrative is illustrate how it is the City's job to make a place good, but only individual efforts can truly make a City great:
Great Cities
A message from Councilmember Corey Rushton

One of life’s most fulfilling endeavors involves the subtle rewards of turning something good into something great. One of my first memories of this marvel occurred when I was a young boy and wondered why the pancakes that my grandmother made were so much better than any other pancakes. Even as a youngster I understood that pancakes were a relatively simple recipe and that the flavor between makers didn’t differ much. However grandma’s creations were authoritatively delectable and the greatness of those pancakes was a mystery that my sisters and I would repeatedly try to explain. Theories between us ran rampant and details of greatness included speculation surrounding: the brand of butter, adjusting stove temperature, and even a careful analysis of the antique pancake pan that grandma had inherited from her pioneer grandmother.

Similarly the recipe for a great West Valley City lies within those hard to explain slight, but significant, contributions of the residents. Many of the obvious good things in our community are being put into place, but ultimately it is up to each resident to turn them into great things. We have been quietly raising the standard of expectations in West Valley City and need everyone to do their part. Thriving business and entertainment districts, efficient transportation, and clean, safe neighborhoods require everyone’s involvement. The means in which you could labor to make our City great are too diverse to mention. But, if you don’t know what your role is in a great West Valley City then please evaluate yourself, your property, and your neighborhood and I am confident that you will find new ways to contribute. Additionally the City’s website and WVC-TV offer many ideas, programs, and civic committees that could benefit from your participation.

I challenge all to incorporate this greatness principle on an individual level and I ask everyone to look for new ways to innovate, to reinvest in their homes, and to find new ways to be productive members of the community. As he tirelessly worked to reshape his country, Mohandas Gandhi noted that, “As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world; as in being able to remake ourselves.” Your slight, yet significant contributions will foster greatness in West Valley City for years and generations to come.

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